La importancia de las mascotas (6 películas)

Hoy en día las mascotas han tomado un rol muy importante en la sociedad, sin embargo, desde que los hombres eran nómadas los hombres han sido acompañados por los animales silvestres que poco a poco fueron domesticando. Una vez asentados los hombres comenzaron a cuidar a cierto tipo de animales hasta hoy en día.

Hay mascotas para todos los gustos, muchas de ellas se vuelven más que un animal sino como un amigo. El cariño que nos brindan y su compañía nos lleva a aprender acerca de la importancia de convivir con los demás, la fidelidad y la maravilla de su naturaleza.

Muchos escritos a través de la historia nos llegan a sugerir que copiemos las cualidades que los animales tienen: “ser astuto como zorro”, “sigiloso como serpiente”, “rápido como liebre”, entre otras citas que van desde la Biblia hasta la fábulas de Esopo.

Las siguientes películas nos enseñan cómo las mascotas viven y el efecto que tienen cuando estamos con ellos, incluso ¿por qué nos duele tanto cuando se van?

Una aventura extraordinaria


You know, my father was right. Richard Parker never saw me as his friend. After all we had been through, he didn’t even look back. But I have to believe there was more in his eyes than my own reflection staring back at me. I know it, I felt it, even if I can’t prove it. You know, I’ve left so much behind: my family, the zoo, India, Anandi. I suppose in the end, the whole of life becomes an act of letting go. But what always hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye. I was never able to thank my father for all I learned from him. To tell him, without his lessons, I would never have survived. I know Richard Parker is a tiger but I wish I had said, “It’s over. We survived. Thank you for saving my life. I love you, Richard Parker. You’ll always be with me. May God be with you.”

Siempre a tu lado: Hachiko


Ronnie – 11 years: I never met my grandfather, he died when I was just a little baby. But when I hear about him and Hachi, I feel like I know him. They taught me the meaning of loyalty. That you should never forget anyone that you loved. And that’s why Hachi will forever be my hero.

Marley y yo


John Grogan: A dog has no use for fancy cars, big homes, or designer clothes. A water log stick will do just fine. A dog doesn’t care if your rich or poor, clever or dull, smart or dumb. Give him your heart and he’ll give you his. How many people can you say that about? How many people can make you feel rare and pure and special? How many people can make you feel extraordinary?

El libro de la selva


This is the law of the jungle, it’s old and it’s true as the sky / And the wolf that should keep it may prosper, but the wolf who will break it must die / For the strength of the pack is the wolf and the strength of the wolf is the pack.

Tu mejor amigo


Bailey: Have fun, obviously. Whenever possible, find someone to save and save them. Lick the ones you love. Don’t get all sad-faced about what happened, and scrunchy-faced about what could. Just, be here now. Be. Here. Now.

Animales fantásticos y en dónde encontrarlos


Newt Scamander: We’re going to recapture my creatures before they get hurt. They’re currently in alien terrain surrounded by millions of the most vicious creatures on the planet; humans.

Todas esta películas nos enseñan que los animales no están para ser torturados, abusados o son propiedad del hombre, sino que nos sirven de apoyo. Te recomendamos verlas, no importa en qué etapa de tu vida con tu mascota estés, ellas nos enseñan a ser mejores si se los permitimos.

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