What would happen if we couldn’t tell lies?

Imagine a world where the only things we could say were only the truth. Imagine what we could say and the type of relations we could have. Are we forced to tell the truth or could we omit it? Do we need to say it? Could we be free to avoid it or would we be enslaved by it? The movie “The invention of lying” tries to give us a glimpse of that life.

Aristotle says in Methaphysics that “every man wishes to know the truth” as if we need it to survive and live in the world. If we can’t know the truth about things we wouldn’t be able to continue living. History is filled with the human process to find the truth and to solve the big questions we all share: who am I?
If the truth is something we want, why is it so difficult for us to find it? And when we find it what will it be? Are we able to know all the truth? Are there many or just one? It seems that the search for truth may be as a fat lady always avoiding us and whenever we are close she starts running away. Can we handle the truth?
Mankind has been searching for the truth and has found it in nature in its evidence. We know things because what they are is what we know, not the other way around: we can’t make things what we want, but we acknowledge them for what they are and we know them because they can’t be any other thing but what they are. The language may be confusing but in short: things are what they are and the truth is to say that a thing is what it is: facts. They are not what we think of them nor what we would like them to be, but what they are because it is evident.
The truth is not something that can be monopolized or a certain group of people have, on the contrary, we all can get to the truth if we look to things that are real. We cannot change it because reality cannot change, we have to adapt to survive. The truth makes us better, gives us power, because we can control ourselves and live happy.

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